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Alexis Thomas

Integrated Sales Planner at Audacy, Inc.

Alexis Thomas's Professional Contact Details

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Audacy, Inc.
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+1 610-660-5610
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New York, New York

Alexis Thomas's Current Company Details

Audacy, Inc.

Prospect's Current Company Website

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Media Production
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Alexis Thomas's Work History and Education

Audacy, Inc.

Integrated Sales Planner
2021 - Present

Audacy, Inc.

National Campaign Coordinator
2020 - 2021

Audacy, Inc.

National Sales Coordinator
2019 - 2020


Sales Strategist
2018 - 2019

Frequently Asked Questions about Alexis Thomas

What company does Alexis Thomas work for?

Alexis Thomas works for Audacy, Inc..

What is Alexis Thomas's role at Audacy, Inc.?

Alexis Thomas's role at Audacy, Inc. is Integrated Sales Planner.

What is Alexis Thomas's email address?

Alexis Thomas's email address is [email protected].

What is Alexis Thomas's business email address?

Alexis Thomas's business email address is [email protected].

What is Alexis Thomas's Mobile Number?

Alexis Thomas's mobile number is (XXXX) XXX-XXXX.

Where does Alexis Thomas live currently?

Alexis Thomas's currently lives in New York, New York.

What Industry does Alexis Thomas work in?

Alexis Thomas's works in the Media Production Industry.

Colleagues at Audacy, Inc.

Aaron Schultheis

Manager, Product Operations

Alec Salas

Board Operator

Alex Gold

Sports Betting Host/Personality @ BETQL Network

Alex McGlynn

Senior Analyst, Client Solutions

Alexis Thomas

Integrated Sales Planner

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